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Task List
Sunday, September 16, 2012 @ 1:54 PM
Okay, so this post is really just because I need a second one to see if it's still showing up on my pages, but I figured I might as well make use of it rather than just creating a filler post. So.

Completed Tasks
- implementing comment below post system
- adding the 'followers/join site' widget, thanks to this tutorial: Add Google Friend Connect
- installing share buttons below each post, though I might change them again
- editing appearance: labels, text shadows, changing fonts, comment appearance, etc.

Current Tasks
- figuring out why my main div content is showing up on my page divs (i.e. blog posts showing on pages when they never used to)
- (once I figure that out) creating more pages and filling in my content
- (if I have the patience, LOL) figure out why my comments are indenting... seriously the comment system was way more trouble than it's probably worth, ugh

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Blogger Jessica said on September 16, 2012 at 2:56 PM  
...I thought I fixed the comments page. Evidently not. UGH WHY WON'T ANYTHING WORKK.

Blogger Jessica said on September 16, 2012 at 5:40 PM  
:o I fixed it! And the date problem I thought I had is actually a standard blogger issue for when you post on the same day. So. xD

I wonder if my comments still indent...

Blogger Jessica said on September 16, 2012 at 5:42 PM  
Yes, yes they do @_@ still, it's a huge improvement.

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twenty-one year old canadian chick.
bookworm, writer, gamer, & animanga fanatic.
Please be respectful of others while on the cbox, or I'll remove it. If you'd like to have an avatar show up, insert the image URL in the "email / url" box.

Layout made by S.Mell
Inspiration from fallingyou
resources from x x x x x

slightly altered for the purpose of this blog.